NES Health is the leader in bioenergetics:

the study, detection, and correction of energy in living systems

They spent decades mapping out the energy and communication systems of the body. Collectively, these are called the human body-field, which acts as a control system for the body’s physical activity.

When this field is underpowered or distorted, it’s unable to run the body in an optimal way and the body’s cells and systems may begin to fail. Symptoms often begin with simply feeling tired, but they can continue into just about any known health problem. When we improve function of the body-field, and we combine this with good nutrition and lifestyle choices, the body’s incredible healing system can take over and begin restoring the body to health.


BioEnergetiX WellNES System

1 Detect

The NES Health Bioenergetic Scan measures hundreds of wellness points in just seconds with remarkable accuracy. Instantly know where the body needs support.

2 Correct

The NES Health Bioenergetic Scan measures hundreds of wellness points in just seconds with remarkable accuracy. Instantly know where the body needs support.

3 Restore

NES miHealth combines SCENAR (with biofeedback), PEMF, and global scaling with proprietary bio-signals to support the body's energy flow.

NES Health Research

A university research team studied several different effects of Infoceuticals (and even direct imprinting of our information into cells) to validate what they could do in live tissue. Results included increased mitochondrial protection, reduced cellular stress, alterations to the cellular membrane, viral protection, and more.

A 6-month, double-blind, placebo-controlled study carried out by Desiree Del Monte, under the supervision of renowned energy medicine researcher, Dr. Norman Shealy, at Holos University, USA, showed that the NES Infoceuticals led to a reduction in depression scores and self-reported stress measures in 54 subjects.

Research results

We conducted a large Outcome Study for miHealth that included 251 subjects and which collected data across 367 data points. In the study, 88% of the participants benefited from the NES miHealth therapy at the initial consultation. Additionally, the positive effect on general rejuvenation was compounded on the second and third therapy sessions so that the subjects saw an increasing trend toward wellness.

Research results